Victoria’s Filet Mignon

Victoria’s Filet Mignon

The Victoria’s Filet Mignon Meal costs $20.99 and has 480 calories. For those looking for a quality steak, this is a popular choice. Victoria’s Filet Mignon is a healthier steak option with a balanced nutritional profile. It has 31 grams of fat, 9 of which are saturated, and 47 grams of protein. This combination makes for a flavorful and satisfying meal.

Source of Calories

Victoria’s Filet Mignon calories (Serving size, 1 person)


Calories 480
Fat Calories 270
Fat (g)31
Saturated Fat (g)9
Trans Fat (g)1
Cholesterol (mg)145
Sodium (mg)1250
Carbohydrate (g)2
Total Fiber (g)1
Sugar (g)0
Protein (g)47