Thunder Brownies

Thunder Brownies

Thunder Brownies! Not only are they delicious, but they’re also reasonably priced at just $10.00. These brownies are the perfect balance of richness and sweetness, with 290 calories per serving.

The Thunder Brownies are rich and flavorful, with 21 grams of fat, 9 grams of which is saturated. They have no trans fats, which makes them a better option for health-conscious dessert lovers. These brownies provide 27 grams of carbohydrates and 4 grams of protein.

Source of Calories

 Thunder Brownies calories (Serving size, 1 person)


Calories 290
Fat Calories 190
Fat (g)21
Saturated Fat (g)9
Trans Fat (g) 0
Cholesterol (mg)95
Sodium (mg)85
Carbohydrate (g)27
Total Fiber (g)2
Sugar (g)23
Protein (g)4